“团结协作严谨求实X质开拓创新”的企业精神,精心打造精品工程,向新老客户提供质满意的服务。高空防腐工程烟囱刷色环航标,凉水塔防腐,钢结构防腐,炉架防腐,网架防腐管道防腐,铁烟囱油漆防腐,尿素造粒塔塔防腐,饲料筒仓防腐,各种铁塔防腐, 竭诚欢迎社会各界朋友为本公司提供宝贵建议,殷切希望各新老客户与本公司携手共进,共展宏图。
承接各类高空作业系列工程,发扬艰苦奋斗、讲求实效、锐意进取的企业精神。公司始终遵循“诚信为本,业主至上,建精品工程,树时代丰碑”的经营宗旨,烟囱包箍平台爬梯护网防腐,储油罐防腐,龙门吊防腐行车防腐,宾馆大厦外墙刷涂料,煤棚输煤栈桥防腐,吊机防腐,高架吊防腐污水池防腐等工程。高空建筑工程新建砖烟囱,水泥烟囱新建,滑模烟囱,新建倒锥壳水塔,砖砌水塔,新建凉水塔,烟囱拆除及筒仓滑模新建粮仓水泥储罐新建烟囱清灰,At first, the company took a wait-and-see attitude towards the green mine creation. Then, under the promotion and guidance of the competent department, the company made up its mind to go ahead. The reason why it had such courage is that, in addition, the company had the courage to do so.
Chimney brushing paint, chimney brushing ring, cooling tower anticorrosion, water tower anticorrosion, urea granulating tower anticorrosion, tower anticorrosion, power plant hyperbolic concrete cooling tower brushing paint drawings, bridge anticorrosion, bridge tower anticorrosion,
一是“五个行业”治理攻坚行动,涉及钢铁焦化水泥电力玻璃五个行业烟囱拆除项目。烟囱清灰除尘,烟囱水塔裂缝修补,烟囱顶口修补,旧包箍油漆更换,检修或更换避雷设施,烟囱水塔防腐,钢烟囱防腐,砖烟囱水泥外粉刷,轮窑更换内衬烟囱抽烟力不够烟囱等工程。1.1.2 A derrick is installed on the top of the chimney, and a derrick with a height of 80 cm is installed in the middle, and a rocker boom is installed on the derrick for installation and dismantling of the lifting device.
Equipments and pipelines, anti-corrosion of flue gas desulfurization devices and anti-corrosion of pipelines and flue gas desulfurization devices.
五家渠市烟筒爬梯平台改造工程的用途The 1.2.4 skyscraper steel frame can be installed only after it has been inspected and qualified. 1.2.5 skyscraper steel frame and skyscraper installation are powered by pulling rod crane.The companys business projects: 1. Anti-corrosion of metal steel structure: bridge anti-corrosion, oil tank brush paint, steel structure grid anti-corrosion, large steel structure workshop, power plant boiler furnace frame anti-corrosion, etc.【JSHGSXGC】