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Motor thermal protection
The starter continuously calculates the temperature rise of the motor based on the controlled nominal
current In and the actual current absorbed.
Temperature rises can be caused by a low or high overload with a long or short duration. The tripping curves
on the following pages are based on the relationship between the starting current Is and the (adjustable)
motor current In.
Standard IEC60947-4-2 defines the protection classes giving the starting capacities of the motor (warm or
cold start) without thermal faults. Different protection classes are given for a COLD state (corresponding to
a stabilised motor thermal state, switched off) and for a WARM state (corresponding to a stabilised motor
thermal state, at nominal power).
The starter is factory-set to protection class 10.
This protection class can be modified using the PrO menu.
The thermal protection displayed by the starter corresponds to the iron time constant.
- An overload alarm is activated if the motor exceeds its nominal temperature rise threshold (motor
thermal state = 110%).
- A thermal fault stops the motor if it exceeds the critical temperature rise threshold (motor thermal
state = 125%).
In the event of a prolonged start, the starter can trip on a fault or thermal alarm even if the value displayed is
less than the trip value.
The thermal fault can be indicated by relay R1 if thermal protection has not been disabled.
After the motor has stopped or the starter has been switched off, the thermal state is calculated even if the
control circuit is not powered. The ATS thermal control divvents the motor from restarting if the
temperature rise is too high.
If a special motor is used (flameproof, submersible, etc.) thermal protection should be provided by PTC