高浓度远距离高扬程高耐磨粗细颗粒低耗能长寿命率高性能运行输送矿浆物料的X点 大流量高扬程高浓度高耐磨管道输送,关键看适应条件,水陆两用那就没有一个泵能适应了吧。就3高一大就是一种挑战。 离心泵的流量,离心泵的扬程却不能潜水不能污水;渣浆泵的浓度,渣浆泵不能潜水扬程也有限;排沙清淤泵综合了它们的X点可以潜水两用,水质要求改变成高浓度,原十来天换叶轮口环却耐磨X过6个月!单机高扬程300米,高浓度60%泥沙,大小流量可控制,真隔爆。
The choice of power strictly speaks of how much power the slag pump can choose for the power machine to be calculated scientifically, but the choice of electric motor for the small agricultural slag pump can be based on the past experience,General motor power should be equal to the supporting slag pump power of 1.0-1.3 times, the power of the internal combustion engine should be equal to the supporting agricultural machinery required power of 1.3-1.5 times, too large is the big horse cart waste energy, too small is easy to bring immobility or overload damage to the power machine.If you he already bought some power equipment in advance, you should give full play to the role of the existing power machine.In the purchase of new agricultural slurry pump, to consider as far as possible with the original power machine.In fixed units, the motor can be used in a rated power range of 75%-.Diesel engines with full-system governor can reduce speed and power use within its speed range.
双筒体泵的内壳体防转一般有两种: ①在函体下部铣出缺口,在筒体相应位置焊一块键。②也可在末X导叶(或环形体)与泵盖之间加防转销,同时也利于函体入口与筒体口对准。