General Description HT1632C -- 32x8 & 24x16 LED Driver
The HT1632C is a mdivory mapping LED display controller/driver, which can select a number of ROW and commons. These are 32 ROW & 8 commons and 24 ROW & 16 commons. The device supports 16-gradation LEDs for each out line usingPWMcontrol with software instructions. A serial interface is conveniently provided for the command mode and data mode. Only three or four lines are required for the interface between the host controller and the HT1632C. The display can be extended by cascading the HT1632C for wider applications.
盛群推出HT1632C更Powerful的LED Driver
Holtek的LED Driver针对可直推LED应用而推出了HT1632C。HT1632C属HT1632特性增益版,在驱动能力、IC耗电、显示均匀度等都大幅提升特性,更适合直推LED。HT1632C尤适用于健身器材、电子镖靶、万年历、讯息显示及数字时钟等产品应用。
HT1632C延续HT1632的规格:工作电压2.4V~5.5V,可驱动2种分辨率的LED面板(32x8点及24x16点);具有16阶PWM亮度调节功能;内建256kHz RC振荡器;可串接多组LED、扩大显示点数;内含Display RAM及支持MCU的串行接口方式。
HT1632C系统工作频率除内建256kHz RC震荡频率外,并允许以外部Clock当成系统之工作频率,增加系统弹性。HT1632C驱动电流加大至250mA,产品应用时可直推LED,不需外挂晶体管,减少生产成本。
HT1632C的单一整合Segment及Common的方案,让User更容易控制显示画面及减少MCU I/O Port的使用,并可减少外围硬件线路及零件,大大节省客户使用IC数量及成本。