Zero-Max联轴器 Zero-Max离合器 Zero-Max刹车 Zero-Max配件
Zero-Max is a leading provider of motion control solutions and one of the industry’s most trusted coupling manufacturers. We provide shaft couplings, right angle gear drives, and other divcision motion control components. Our products are known throughout the world for their innovative designs, high quality, high performance, and durability
Steel Single Flex CD Couplings |
| Steel Single Flex Set Screw CD Couplings |
Steel Double Flex CD Couplings |
| Steel Double Flex Set Screw CD Couplings |
Aluminum Single Flex CD Couplings |
| Aluminum Double Flex CD Couplings |
Stainless Steel Single Flex CD Couplings |
| Stainless Steel Single Flex Set Screw CD Coupling |
A1C Series Single Flex CD Coupling |
| A1C Series Double Flex CD Couplings |
Double Flex Floating Shaft CD | Schmidt Offset Shaft Couplings | | | Schmidt Inline Couplings | | | Schmidt 5-D Couplings | | | Schmidt Flexible Couplings | |
Couplings |
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| Bolted Style Control Flex Couplings | |
| Clamp Style Control Flex Couplings | |
| Non-SAE Mount Overhung Load Adaptors |
| SAE A Mount Overhung Load Adaptors |
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| SAE B Mount Overhung Load Adaptors |
| SAE C Mount Overhung Load Adaptors |
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| SAE D Mount Overhung Load Adaptors |
| SAE E Mount Overhung Load Adaptors |
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| SAE F | Three-Way Right Angle Gearbox |
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