美国力科/LECROY LabMaster 10Zi-A 示波器
深圳市科瑞杰科技有限公司-美国力科/LECROY LabMaster 10Zi示波器是世界上X高带宽的实时示波器——100GHz带宽和240GS/s采样率。 LabMaster 10Zi打破了通道障碍和提供了更多的宽带密度。模块化设计使其获得更高的带宽和更高带宽通道的数量。再增加4个额外的采集模块可同时获得20个通道,每通道65GHz模拟带宽。
· 在36GHz带宽下高达80个通道运行 · 高达160GS/s采样率 · 高达1024 Mpts/Ch存储深度 · 50fsrmb 采样时钟 · 通道间抖动 130fsrms LabMaster 10Zi模块化示波器系统重新定义了示波器性能 · 多个通道同时工作在X高带宽 · 40个通道同时工作在65, 60 or 50 GHz · 80个通道同时工作在36, 30, or 25 GHz |
服务器X别的CPU(X时钟33.6 GHz,高达192GB内存)
4.9 ps (20-80%) 上升时间
14.1 Gb/s硬件串行触发
LabMaster 10Zi使用新一代8HP SiGe工艺芯片组在通道同步架构下生产XX高带宽示波器,4个通道可以同时工作在36GHz,在使用到DBIX技术时,带宽可以提高到几乎翻倍的65GHz,采样率为160GS/s,性能X乎寻常。
LabMaster系列示波器有其根本性的X势----模块化,可升X,非常灵活,可以实现传统示波器的所有功能操作。LabMaster 10Zi示波器可以配置成多个高达65GHz带宽,可以克服技术和测试的障碍。
LabMaster 10Zi可以很好支持目前在发展的10-12Gb/s信号技术,如40/100 GBASE-R以太网和12G SAS,通过4个(甚至更多)通道提供80GS/s采样率和36GHz带宽实现测试。X高速技术,如CEI-25/28, CEI-56和相干光调制通信系统(DP-QPSK, 16-QAM, MIMO, Few-Mode Fiber)可以通过业界X高的65GHz带宽和多个通道实现测试。力科出品的SDAIII-CompleteLinQ串行数据和串话分析软件包可以实现更多的测试能力,来支持同步多路眼图,抖动,垂直噪声和串话分析。
带宽 | 20 - 100 GHz |
标准内存 | 20 Mpts - 1024 Mpts |
X大存储深度 | 1024 Mpts/Ch |
X高采样率 | 240 GS/s |
通道数 | 4 - 80 |
垂直分辨率 | 8-bit |
LabMaster 10 Zi 20 GHz Systdivs(20 GHz Bandwidth, Up to 80 Input Channels, 80 GS/s Max Sample Rate)
带宽 | 20 GHz |
采样率 | 80 GS/s |
X大存储深度 | 512 Mpts/Ch |
输入通道 | Up to 80 @ 20 GHz |
垂直分辨率 | 8-bits |
LabMaster 10 Zi 25 GHz Systdivs(25 GHz Bandwidth, Up to 80 Input Channels, 80 GS/s Max Sample Rate)
带宽 | 25 GHz |
采样率 | 80 GS/s |
X大存储深度 | 512 Mpts/Ch |
输入通道 | Up to 80 @ 25 GHz |
垂直分辨率 | 8-bits |
LabMaster 10 Zi 30 GHz Systdivs(30 GHz Bandwidth, Up to 80 Input Channels, 80 GS/s Max Sample Rate)
带宽 | 30 GHz |
采样率 | 80 GS/s |
X大存储深度 | 512 Mpts/Ch |
输入通道 | Up to 80 @ 30 GHz |
垂直分辨率 | 8-bits |
LabMaster 10 Zi 36 GHz Systdivs(36 GHz Bandwidth, Up to 80 Input Channels, 80 GS/s Max Sample Rate)
带宽 | 36 GHz |
采样率 | 80 GS/s |
X大存储深度 | 512 Mpts/Ch |
输入通道 | Up to 80 @ 36 GHz |
垂直分辨率 | 8-bits |
LabMaster 10 Zi 50 GHz Systdivs(50 GHz Bandwidth, Up to 40 Input Channels, 160 GS/s Max Sample Rate; 36 GHz Bandwidth, Up to 80 Input Channels, 80 GS/s Max Sample Rate)
带宽 | 50 GHz |
采样率 | 80 GS/s on 4 Ch 160 GS/s on 2 Ch |
X大存储深度 | 1024 Mpts/Ch (2 Ch operation) |
输入通道 | Up to 40 @ 50 GHz, Up to 80 @ 36 GHz |
垂直分辨率 | 8-bits |
LabMaster 10 Zi 60 GHz Systdivs(60 GHz Bandwidth, Up to 40 Input Channels, 160 GS/s Max Sample Rate; 36 GHz Bandwidth, Up to 80 Input Channels, 80 GS/s Max Sample Rate)
带宽 | 60 GHz |
采样率 | 80 GS/s on 4 Ch 160 GS/s on 2 Ch |
X大存储深度 | 1024 Mpts/Ch (2 Ch operation) |
输入通道 | Up to 40 @ 60 GHz, Up to 80 @ 36 GHz |
垂直分辨率 | 8-bits |
LabMaster 10 Zi 65 GHz Systdivs(65 GHz Bandwidth, Up to 40 Input Channels, 160 GS/s Max Sample Rate; 36 GHz Bandwidth, Up to 80 Input Channels, 80 GS/s Max Sample Rate)
带宽 | 65 GHz |
采样率 | 80 GS/s on 4 Ch 160 GS/s on 2 Ch |
X大存储深度 | 1024 Mpts/Ch (2 Ch operation) |
输入通道 | Up to 40 @ 65 GHz, Up to 80 @ 36 GHz |
垂直分辨率 | 8-bits |
LabMaster 10-20Zi 20 GHz, 80 GS/s, 4ch, 20 Mpts/Ch LabMaster Acquisition Module, 50 Ohm Input |
LabMaster 10-25Zi 25 GHz, 80 GS/s, 4ch, 20 Mpts/Ch LabMaster Acquisition Module, 50 Ohm Input |
LabMaster 10-30Zi 30 GHz, 80 GS/s, 4ch, 20 Mpts/Ch LabMaster Acquisition Module, 50 Ohm Input |
LabMaster 10-36Zi 36 GHz, 80 GS/s, 4ch, 20 Mpts/Ch LabMaster Slave Acquisition Module, 50 Ohm Input |
LabMaster 10-50Zi 50 GHz, 160 GS/s, 40 Mpts/Ch Digital Bandwidth Interleaved Acquisition Module, 50 Ohm Input Also operates in 36 GHz, 80 GS/s, 4ch, 20 Mpts/Ch mode. |
LabMaster 10-60Zi 60 GHz, 160 GS/s, 40 Mpts/Ch Digital Bandwidth Interleaved Acquisition Module, 50 Ohm Input. Also operates in 36 GHz, 80 GS/s, 4ch, 20 Mpts/Ch mode. |
LabMaster 10-65Zi 65 GHz, 160 GS/s, 40 Mpts/Ch Digital Bandwidth Interleaved Acquisition Module, 50 Ohm Input. Also operates in 36 GHz, 80 GS/s, 4ch, 20 Mpts/Ch mode. |
Labmaster 通道同步主机连接器
| LabMaster CMH20-Zi ChannelSync Mainframe Hub to permit LabMaster expansion to up to 20 acquisition modules. Also requires one LabMaster CHM-1ACQMODULE-Zi card for each acquisition module to be connected. LabMaster CMH-1ACQMODULE-Zi Expansion ChannelSync module card for ChannelSync Mainframe Hub |
| LM10Zi-S-32 32 Mpt/Ch Mdivory Option for LabMaster 10 Zi Acquisition Modules | LM10Zi-M-64 64 Mpt/Ch Mdivory Option for LabMaster 10 Zi Acquisition Modules | LM10Zi-L-128 128 Mpt/Ch Mdivory Option for LabMaster 10 Zi Acquisition Modules | LM10Zi-VL-256 256 Mpt/Ch Mdivory Option for LabMaster 10 Zi Acquisition Modules | LM10Zi-XL-512 512 Mpt/Ch Mdivory Option for LabMaster 10 Zi Acquisition Modules | SDA10Zi-M-64 64 Mpt/Ch Mdivory Option for LabMaster 10 Zi Acquisition Modules used with SDA MCM-Zi | SDA10Zi-L-128 128 Mpt/Ch Mdivory Option for LabMaster 10 Zi Acquisition Modules used with SDA MCM-Zi | SDA10Zi-VL-256 256 Mpt/Ch Mdivory Option for LabMaster 10 Zi Acquisition Modules used with SDA MCM-Zi | SDA10Zi-XL-512 512 Mpt/Ch Mdivory Option for LabMaster 10 Zi Acquisition Modules used with SDA MCM-Zi | DDA10Zi-M-64 64 Mpt/Ch Mdivory Option for LabMaster 10 Zi Acquisition Modules used with DDA MCM-Zi | DDA10Zi-L-128 128 Mpt/Ch Mdivory Option for LabMaster 10 Zi Acquisition Modules used with DDA MCM-Zi | DDA10Zi-VL-256 256 Mpt/Ch Mdivory Option for LabMaster 10 Zi Acquisition Modules used with DDA MCM-Zi | DDA10Zi-XL-512 512 Mpt/Ch Mdivory Option for LabMaster 10 Zi Acquisition Modules used with DDA MCM-Zi |
| MCMZi-500GB-HD Upgrade MCM-Zi from standard size hard drive to 500 GB hard drive | MCMZi-500GB-RHD-02 Additional 500 GB Hard Drive for MCM-Zi | MCMZi-24-UPG-96GBRAM Upgrade from 24 GB to 96 GB CPU RAM at time of initial shipment | MCMZi-24-UPG-192GBRAM Upgrade from 24 GB to 192 GB CPU RAM at time of initial shipment |
| GPIB-3 | GPIB Option for LabMaster MCM-Zi |
| LM10Zi-PWR Power Analysis Option for LM 10 Zi |
| LM10Zi-CAN FDbus D CAN FD Decode Option for LabMaster 10Zi Oscilloscopes | LM10Zi-Manchesterbus D Manchester Bus Decode Option for LabMaster 10Zi | LM10Zi-ENETbus D ENET Bus Decode Option for LabMaster 10Zi | LM10Zi-1553 D MIL-STD-1553 Decode option for LabMaster 10Zi Series | LM10Zi-8B10B D 8b/10b Decode option for LabMaster 10Zi Series | LM10Zi-64B66B D 64b/66b Decode option for LabMaster 10Zi Series | LM10Zi-ARINC429bus Dsymbolic ARINC 429 Symbolic Decode for LabMaster 10Zi Series | LM10Zi-AUDIOBUS D Audio (I2S) Decode for LabMaster 10 Zi Series | LM10Zi-AUDIOBUS DG Audio (I2S) Decode and Graphing for LabMaster 10 Zi Series | LM10Zi-CANBUS D CAN Decode for LabMaster 10 Zi Series | LM10Zi-DigRF3Gbus D DigRF 3G Decode for LabMaster 10 Zi Series | LM10Zi-DigRFv4bus D DigRF v4 Decode for LabMaster 10 Zi Series | LM10Zi-DPHYbus D MIPI DPHY Decode for LabMaster 10 Zi Series | LM10Zi-DPHYbus DP MIPI DPHY Decode and Physical Layer Test for LabMaster 10 Zi Series | LM10ZI-ENET10GBUS D Ethernet 10GBASE-R Decode for LabMaster 10 Zi Series | LM10Zi-FCbus D FibreChannel Decode for LabMaster 10 Zi Series | LM10Zi-FLEXRAYBUS D FlexRay Decode for LabMaster 10 Zi Series | LM10Zi-FLEXRAYBUS DP FlexRay Decode and Physical Layer Test for LabMaster 10 Zi Series | LM10Zi-I2CBUS D I2C Decode for LabMaster 10 Zi Series | LM10Zi-LINBUS D LIN Decode for LabMaster 10 Zi Series | LM10Zi-MPHYbus D MIPI MPHY Decode for LabMaster 10 Zi Series | LM10Zi-MPHYbus DP MIPI MPHY Decode and Physical Layer Test for LabMaster 10 Zi Series | LM10Zi-6GBIT-80B-SYMBOL-TD 80-bit NRZ, 8b/10b, and 64b/66b 6.5 Gbps Serial Trigger option for LabMaster 10 Zi | LM10Zi-PCIEBUS D PCI Exdivss (Gen 1.x, 2.0, and 3.0) Protocol Link Layer Decode Annotation for LabMaster 10 Zi Series | LM10Zi-PROTOBUS MAG Serial Debug Toolkit - Measure Analyze Graph for LabMaster 10 Zi series. Compatible with I2C, SPI, UART, CAN, LIN, FLX, D-PHY, DigRF 3G, DigRF v4, ARINC 429, MIL-STD-1553 | LM10Zi-PROTOSYNC Decode Annotation and Protocol Analyzer Software Synchronization Option for LabMaster 10 Zi Series | LM10Zi-PROTOSYNC-BT Decode Annotation & Protocol Analyzer+Bit Tracer SW Synchronization Option for LabMaster 10Zi Series | LM10Zi-SASbus D SAS Decode for LabMaster 10 Zi Series | LM10Zi-SATAbus D SATA Decode for LabMaster 10 Zi Series | LM10Zi-SPIBUS D SPI Decode for LabMaster 10 Zi Series | LM10Zi-UART-RS232BUS D UART-RS232 Decode for LabMaster 10 Zi Series | LM10Zi-USB2bus D USB1.1x, 2.0 Decode for LabMaster 10 Zi Series | LM10Zi-USB3bus D USB1.1x, 2.0, and 3.0 Decode for LabMaster 10 Zi Series | LM10ZI-SENTbus D SENT Bus Decode Option for LabMaster 10Zi |
| LM10Zi-JITKIT Clock Jitter Analysis Package for LabMaster 10 Zi Series |
| LM10Zi-DFP2 Digital Filter Software Package for LabMaster 10 Zi Series |
| LSIB-HOSTBOARD PCI Exdivss x4 Host Interface Board for desktop PC | LSIB-HOSTCARD PCI Exdivss x1 Exdivss Card Host Interface for laptop Exdivss Card slot | LSIB-CABLE-3M PCI Exdivss x 4 3-meter cable with x4 cable connectors included | LSIB-CABLE-7M PCI Exdivss x 4 7-meter cable with x4 cable connectors include | LSIB-2 High speed PCIe Gen1 x4 digitizer output for LabMaster MCM-Zi Master Control Module. Half-height card with bracket. |
| QPHY-PCIe3 QualiPHY Enabled PCIe 3.0 Compliance Software Option | LM10ZI-DDR2-TOOLKIT DDR2 and LPDDR2 Debug Toolkit for LabMaster 10Zi Oscilloscopes | LM10ZI-DDR3-TOOLKIT DDR3, DDR3L, LPDDR3, DDR2, and LPDDR2 Debug Toolkit for LabMaster 10Zi Oscilloscopes | LM10ZI-DDR4-TOOLKIT DDR4, DDR3, DDR3L, LPDDR3, DDR2, and LPDDR2 Debug Toolkit for LabMaster 10Zi Oscilloscopes | LM10ZI-UPG-DDR3-TOOLKIT DDR3, DDR3L, LPDDR3, DDR2, and LPDDR2 Debug Toolkit Upgrade for LabMaster 10Zi Oscilloscopes | QPHY-DDR3 QualiPHY Enabled DDR3, DDR3L and LPDDR3 Compliance Software Option | QPHY-DisplayPort QualiPHY Enabled DisplayPort Compliance Software Option | QPHY-HDMI QualiPHY Enabled HDMI Compliance Test Software | QPHY-DDR4 QualiPHY Enabled DDR4 Compliance Software Option | QPHY-10GBASE-T QualiPHY Enabled 10GBASE-T Transmitter and Return Loss Compliance Test Software Option | QPHY-PCIe QualiPHY Enabled PCIe Gen1 and Gen2 Compliance Software Option | QPHY-SAS2 QualiPHY Enabled SAS2 (1.5 Gb/s, 3.0 Gb/s, and 6.0 Gb/s) Compliance Software Option | QPHY-SATA-TSG-RSG QualiPHY Enabled SATA (PHY, TSG, RSG, and OOB) Compliance Software Option | QPHY-USB3-Tx-Rx QualiPHY Enabled SuperSpeed Transmitter/Receiver Compliance Software Option | QPHY-10GBase-KR QualiPHY Enabled 10GBase-KR Compliance Software Option | ENET-2ADA-BNCSMA Adapter Set- 2 BNC/M to SMA/F | ENET-2CAB-SMA018 Cable Set- 2 SMA-SMA 18 inches |
| LM10Zi-SDAIII-CompleteLinQ Bundle - Multi-Lane SDA LinQ Framewk, incl. Eye, Jitter, Noise, Xtalk Meas, w/EyeDrII & VirtualProbe | LM10Zi-SDAIII-CrossLinQ Multi-Lane Serial Data Analysis LinQ Framework, Eye, Jitter, Noise and Crosstalk Measurdivents | SDA10Zi-CrossLinQ Multi-Lane Serial Data Analysis LinQ Framework, Eye, Jitter, Noise and Crosstalk Measurdivents | DDA10Zi-CrossLinQ Multi-Lane Serial Data Analysis LinQ Framework, Eye, Jitter, Noise and Crosstalk Measurdivents | LM10Zi-SDAIII-Crosstalk Single-Lane Serial Data Analysis Framework, Eye, Jitter, Noise and Crosstalk Measurdivents | SDA10Zi-Crosstalk Single-Lane Serial Data Analysis Framework, Eye, Jitter, Noise and Crosstalk Measurdivents | LM10Zi-SDAIII-LinQ Multi-Lane Serial Data Analysis LinQ Framework, Eye and Jitter Measurdivents | SDA10Zi-LinQ Multi-Lane Serial Data Analysis LinQ Framework, Eye and Jitter Measurdivents | DDA10Zi-LinQ Multi-Lane Serial Data Analysis LinQ Framework, Eye and Jitter Measurdivents | LM10Zi-SDAIII Single-Lane Serial Data Analysis Framework, Eye and Jitter Measurdivents | LM10Zi-EYEDRII-VP Bundle - EyeDrII and VirtualProbe Toolkits | LM10Zi-EYEDRII Signal Integrity Toolkit - Channel & Fixture De-divbedding/Emulation, Tx/Rx Equalization | LM10Zi-VIRTUALPROBE Advanced De-divbedding, Emulation and Virtual Probing Toolkit | LM10Zi-CBL-DE-EMBED Cable De-divbedding Option for LabMaster 10 Zi Series |
| LM10Zi-SPECTRUM Spectrum Analyzer Software Package for LabMaster 10 Zi Series | LM10Zi-EMC EMC Pulse Parameter Software Package for LabMaster 10 Zi Series |
| KYBD-1 Keyboard, USB | Rise-Time-Filter-100ps PSPL Rise Time Filter - PSPL Part Number 5915-110-100ps | Rise-Time-Filter-150ps PSPL Rise Time Filter - PSPL Part Number 5915-110-150ps | 20dB-SMA-Attenuator 20 dB SMA Attenuators | OC910 Deluxe Oscilloscope Cart for LabMaster 9 Zi-A or LabMaster 10 Zi | MCMZi-SOFTCASE Soft Carrying Case for MCM-Zi | LM10Zi-ACQMOD-SOFTCASE Soft Carrying Case for 10-xxZi | MCM-Zi-RACKMOUNT Rackmount for MCM-Zi | LM10Zi-ACQMOD-RACKMOUNT Rackmount for 10-xxZi Module |
| LM10Zi-AORM Advanced Optical Recording Measurdivents Software Package for LabMaster 10 Zi | LM10Zi-DDM2 Disk Drive Measurdivents Software Package for LabMaster 10 Zi Series | LM10Zi-DDA Disk Drive Analysis Software Package for LabMaster 10 Zi Series |
| TF-HDMI-3.3V-QUADPAK HDMI Pull-Up Terminator Quad Pack - For Use with the Wilder-Tech HDMI-TPA-P Plug Test Adapter | TF-SATA-C-Kit SATA Compliance Test Kit | TF-10GBASE-T Test Fixture for 10GBase-T |
LM10Zi-14GBIT-80B-SYMBOL-TD 80-bit NRZ, 8b/10b, and 64b/66b 14.1 Gbps Serial Trigger option for LabMaster 10 Zi |
功率计:WT210/WT230/WT310/WT332/WT333/ WT500/WT1800/WT3000;
示波器:DLM2022/ DLM2024/DLM2032/ DLM2034/ DLM2052/ DLM2054/DLM4038/ DLM4058;
便携式无纸记录仪:MV1004/MV1006/MV1008/MV1012/MV1024/MV2008 MV2010/ MV2020/ MV2030/ MV2040/ MV2048;
电话:13823584162 0755-85272611
电话:18082099687 0511-85778198