ASTM 高速工具钢【T1圆钢】硬质模具钢棒材
ASTM T1 is the most widely used tungsten is a general type of high speed steel, high temperature hardness and red hardness and hardness is high, easy to grinding. ASTM T1 applicable for working temperature below 600 ℃ can still keep the cutting performance of cutting tools, such as vehicles, shaver, milling, reaming, broach, drilling, gear cutting tools and tap, die, etc., ASTM T1 is suitable for processing soft or medium hardness (300 ~ 320 hb) materials and production of high temperature wear resistance of machine parts.
ASTM T1是使用X广泛的钨系通用型高速钢,硬度、红硬性及高温硬度较高,易于磨削加工。ASTM T1适用作工作温度在600℃以下仍能保持切削性能的刀具,如车、刨、铣、铰、拉刀、钻头、各种齿轮刀具及丝锥、板牙等,ASTM T1适于加工软的或中等硬度 (300~320HB以下) 的材料及制作高温耐磨机械零件
ASTM T1化学成份:
碳 C :0.65~0.80(允许偏差:±0.01)
硅 Si:0.20~0.40(允许偏差:±0.05)
锰 Mn:0.10~0.40(允许偏差:+0.04)
硫 S :≤0.030
磷 P :≤0.030
铬 Cr:3.75~4.50(允许偏差:±0.05)
镍 Ni:允许残余含量≤0.30
铜 Cu:允许残余含量≤0.25
钒 V :0.90~1.30(允许偏差:±0.05)
钼 Mo:≤0.30(允许偏差:尺寸≤6,±0.05;尺寸>6,±0.10)
钨 W :17.25~18.25(允许偏差:尺寸≤10,±0.10;>10,±0.20)
ASTM T1是使用X广泛的钨系通用型高速钢,硬度、红硬性及高温硬度较高,易于磨削加工。ASTM T1适用作工作温度在600℃以下仍能保持切削性能的刀具,如车、刨、铣、铰、拉刀、钻头、各种齿轮刀具及丝锥、板牙等,ASTM T1适于加工软的或中等硬度 (300~320HB以下) 的材料及制作高温耐磨机械零件。